
Inspiration: Be Inspired to Become You, Inspire Others to Become Strong.

When you are Inspired… all your thoughts break their bonds…

When you are Inspired… your mind transcends limitations…

When you are Inspired… Your consciousness expands in every direction…

When you are Inspired… You find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world, open for opportunity…


If we examine every stage of our lives, we find that from our first breath to our last we are under the constraint of circumstances. And yet we still possess the greatest of all freedoms, the power of developing our innermost selves in harmony with the moral order of the Universe, and so winning peace at heart whatever obstacles we meet.

When I speak about inspiration and purpose I frequently hear people ask, “but what if I don’t really know what would inspire me?” or “how do I find my purpose when nothing seems to resonate with me at the level I want?”… so I dedicate my thoughts to you if you are in question.

I will speak freely from my heart in hopes to inspire.

Just the mere act of questioning our ability to live an inspired life represents resistance that we need to examine because it implies that we are deficient in our quest for something else, perhaps spiritual… Of course, nothing could be further from the truth; in the world of spirit from where we came, there are no deficits, lacks, or shortages; and there’s definitely no such thing as purposelessness. The world is a big system that we are all part of; we are a piece of the entire pie of creation. By questioning our ability to activate a connection to inspiration, we give evidence of our lack of belief in our intent.

Inspiration is harmonizing. By nature we carry a natural essence to give and share. Our ultimate call to inspiration is to focus on sharing rather than receiving. Weather you give, share, contribute or conceptualize your intention, the power to harmonize with others is a powerful way to inspire.

I am inspired by you for taking the time to read this, I’m also inspired by the people in my life who love and create joy within me. Closest to my heart is my Husband, Mother, Father and Sister who inspire me to not just be good, average or settle, rather to be great, to live with purpose and to follow my hearts passion. I am inspired by their unconditional love, unwavering support and genuine kindness so freely given. I love them dearly.